1. Create an eBook and give away resale rights with it.
It is not as hard as you might think to write your own eBook about a chosen subject, you can get most of your ideas from Private Label content, Basically, you need to choose a subject that you think is going to be popular and people will be attrated to, three main categories for a good title are something that will save the reader time, something that will save the reader money and something that will explain how to do something in particular.
Once you have a subject you can then find as much material on that as you can to help you write about it, again, you can use Private Label content to assist your writing. Don't forget to place lots of links to your website or product inside the eBook! Brandable eBooks are the easiest option, so long as they allow you to brand your required link.
2. Submit an article to article directories.
You can submit an article with your link included to an article directory and when people read or use the article you will then get your link spread about, a few good article submission directories are: www.ezinearticles.com, www.bestezines.com, www.articleplanet.com and www.goarticles.com.
As an example, take a look at this article here - www.article-planet.com, notice the link at the bottom of the article, you will probably not realize, but your article has the possibility of being used by others, for websites, other article directories, e-zines and more, the best bit is that your link will always be there. If you struggle for article content try splitting Private Label content and add your own spin on it. Try to be as unique as you possibly can.
3. Exchange links with other websites to promote each other.
This is another great FREE way to promote your website or product, all you have to do is to come to an agreement with another site owner that will benefit BOTH of you. Try to pick a website to exchange with that is featuring the same niche as yourself, that way you will gain the most benefit as the customer will be targetted to BOTH sites. The more links you trade the more potential traffic you could gain!
4. Write or update newsletters or blogs.
Just as you are reading this article right now, the more people know about you and your partners, the more you will find loyal readers recommending you to others. Try to make your newsletter as informative and interesting as possible as the more people that are interested, the more they will hopefully recommend you to others, gaining you more subscribers.
5. Email Signatures
This is another excellent FREE method of getting traffic without even lifting a finger, once you have it set up, every single email that you send out to friends, family, business clients or even your autoresponder could be a potential visitor to your website or product and if the emails are then forwarded on to others the potential traffic is excellent for the amount of work involved. Almost every email client has the 'signature' option, simply set it up with the text/html you require that might attract people to your site and that's it! Once it is set up you can just forget about it.Email signatures are a great way of letting people know that you still exist! Be careful not to spam people with this one. Here is an example:
Succes for Internet Marketing
Check out this weeks great new offers!
6. Join Forums or Chat
Ok, so you don't have to be a chatterbox to use a forum, you can read posts and have as much time to think of a reply as you like, if you are a chatterbox however, you can also utililize chat facilities. Choose a forum that is related to your chosen niche and then try to contribute in any way possible, you will gain respect and a reputation and therefore you will gain trust, trust is a very powefull thing to have earned as many people are new to things they are wary of subscribing or purchasing. You should also utilize the signature tool in forums, gaining you that extra link.
7. Use search engines to promote.
This can be a costly method, but if you do it right it could make you a fortune from the amount of traffic they can give you.
The most popular methods of search engine promotion are Google's Adwords and Yahoo's Overture, these are both excellent ways to guarantee traffic to your website or product. I know most people are reluctant to spend money on PPC (pay per click) advertising but it is a sure fire way of getting traffic and therefore making purchases.
8. Find JV Partners.
This is a very fast traffic rush if you can find a good JV (joint venture) partner, you will need to attract a JV partner by offering them something that you normally don't such as 50% commision, you will also have to give the JV potential partner full access to what you are selling or a copy of the product so they can decide whether or not it is worth promoting. There are many ways to find a good JV partner, basically you need to try and find somebody who is popular or who has a list on your chosen niche, forums, ezine directories (such as the ones listed above) and even search engines are a great way of finding potential partners. Look for people who generate lists and don't be afraid to ask.
9. Good Keywords
Search engines just love good keyword content, the more unique and targetted on your niche the better! Finding the right keywords or keyword phrases is not as hard as you might think, say for example you chose 'dogs' as your chosen niche, your keywords could be:
puppy dogs, dogs breeds, pet dogs, labrador dogs, beagle dogs, breeding dogs ... and so on!
There are many keyword choosing tools out there but I prefer to choose my own, Google has a great tool to help you choose some good ones - https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal?defaultView=2
10. eBay.
Yes, you heard right, eBay, this is an excellent method for creating traffic that is often overlooked, I'm sure you know that you are not allowed to have external links on your eBay listing, but you ARE however, allowed to link to your own websites from your 'about me' page in eBay, tens of thousands of eBay users swear by this technique.
To create your 'about me' page you need to log in and click on 'community' at the top of the page, near the bottom of the page you need to click on the 'create an about me page', here is a quick link - ebay.com, you then get the option to either enter follow the eBay step by step process or simply add your own HTML. You then just need to write a short paragraph on your own website and place your link to it there. This is a very good method of traffic as all the traffic is targeted, this means that they were attracted to your listing so they will be attracted to your website.